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I met Henlu 10 years ago and I have trained with him since 2008. Having done a lot of sport in my youth and getting to an age (I’m 70 now) where I required the discipline of regular exercise I was lucky enough to meet Henlu.


I had always imagined that keeping fit entailed a massive amount of exertion but have discovered that Henlu, in a mixture of aerobic, part circuit training interfaced with an eclectic mixture of yoga and pilates, has managed to make the dreaded 7am sessions seem relaxed, whilst demanding, and above all enjoyable. I have over the past 10 years training with Henlu developed stamina, flexibility and have, whilst not losing much weight, found my clothes to be much looser fitting than before.


I have found him charming, prompt, inspirational and would like to thank Henlu for all his hard work.”


Anthony Collett , Senior Partner, Collett Zarzycki Ltd Architects

© 2018 by HENLU PT.  Website by Alaniz Vickart.

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